Saturday, May 17, 2008

Colby's Eczema

Most of you know that our sweet Colby has been battling eczema for a couple of years now. It has gotten pretty extreme and we still cannot get it under control. He has been to the pediatrician of coarse and has also seen both a dermatologist and allergist. No one has really been able to help him. We mostly have just been told that this is something that he has to live with! This has never been an acceptable answer for me. I've always felt that there has got to be something going on inside of his body that is causing this to happen on the outside.

I finally decided it was time to try something new. At this point we have nothing to lose. This last week I took him to see a naturopathic doctor. This type of medical treatment is generally not covered by insurance, but I am willing to do anything and everything to get my Colby some relief!

She was wonderful! We spent quite awhile talking about Colby and she asked lots of questions. I won't go into a lot of detail about everything, but one thing that they are doing is running a blood test to check for over 70 different food allergies. She said that most eczema is caused by some type of food allergy. I told her he had been tested for food allergies, but it turns out the basic "scratch" test that they do at the allergist only checks for life threatening allergies. There are some allergies that don't even show up in our bodies until up to 72 hours after we have ingested them! Anyway, I am feeling optimistic for the first time in a very long time! We should have the results back from the blood test in another week or so.

Please keep my sweet Colby in your prayers! We need to find out what is causing this and how to make it better! He deserves to have a better quality of life!

Here are a few photos I took of him a week ago or so after a particularly bad night of scratching! The eczema pretty much covers his whole body! :(


Unknown said...

From Kelly on JM (since I'm using my husband's google account :D) :

I really hope that the blood tests show something and that he is able to get come relief soon. That looks so awful and so painful.

Keep us updated!!

Unknown said...

My son had eczema from head to toe. I took him to all the traditional doctors. it wasn't until I took him to a Nutrition Response Testing practitioner that he got well. Pass this on to your readers.